New virus COVID-Omicron XBB Keep a distance of 1.5 meters even in public places, wear a two-layer mask, take coronavirus precautions.

New virus COVID-Omicron XBB Keep a distance of 1.5 meters even in public places, wear a two-layer mask, take coronavirus precautions.
Medical Authorities

Amaravati December 18 (Bharat News) AP
New Covid-Omicron XBB New Covid-Omicron XBB Variant is variant, deadly and not easy to detect correctly so everyone is advised to wear a mask:-
The characteristics of the new virus Medical Authorities told. COVID-Omicron

XBB are as follows:-
No cough. No fever. joint pain headache Neck pain Upper back pain. Pneumonia. There is usually no appetite. In fact, the COVID-Omicron XBB delta variant is 5 times more virulent and has a higher mortality rate. It takes a short time for the condition to reach extreme severity, sometimes without obvious symptoms.

Let’s be more careful! This type of virus does not live in the nasopharyngeal region and directly affects the lungs, which are the “window”, in a relatively short time.
Many patients with Covid Omicron XBB were finally classified as having no fever, no pain, but X-ray results showed mild chest pneumonia.

Nasal swab tests frequently yield negative results for COVID-Omicron XBB, and there are increasing cases of nasopharyngeal tests yielding false negative results. That means the virus can spread in the community and directly infect the lungs, causing viral pneumonia, which causes severe respiratory distress.

This explains why Covid-Omicron XBB is highly contagious, highly virulent and deadly. Please note, avoid crowded places, keep 1.5 meters distance even in public places, wear a double-layer mask, use an appropriate mask and if everyone is asymptomatic (cough or sneeze apart) wash your hands frequently.

The Covid Omicron “WAVE” is much worse than the first wave of Covid-19. So be very careful and take all kinds of coronavirus precautions.
Bharat News AP