An international seminar organized for two days at Adikavi Nannaya University in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, G.S.L. Rajanagaram.

An international seminar organized for two days at Adikavi Nannaya University in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, G.S.L. Rajanagaram.
          VC Acharya K.Padmaraju

          (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                      National News
Amaravati November 28 (Bharat News) AP
Sruha Psychology Alumni Association, Rotary District 3020 and Department of Psychology, GSL under the auspices of SCRA (Society for Community Research in Action)-USA on 29th and 30th of this month at Adikavi Nannaya University  VC Acharya K. Padmaraju said that an international seminar is being organized.

The VC informed the details about this in the university on Tuesday.  He said that an international seminar is being organized on the topic “Global Peace and Health Maximization – A Community Perspective”.  He said that community psychology is very useful for the personal, social and healthy way of life for world peace.
Punjab University Sports Psychologist specializing in Sports Psychology

Acharya Jitendra will be awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by Conscious Psychology Alumni and Sunkara Bhaskara Rao Sports Research and Development Institute.  Society for Community Research in Action Regional Coordinator Sunkara Nagendra Kishore informed that he is acting as the convener of this program.

He said that prominent psychologists will deliver key lectures in this two-day conference.  The VC suggested that academics, celebrities and NGOs should provide full support and cooperation to make the international seminar a success.
            Bharat News Andhra Pradesh