BC’s are not weak…they are very strong” That is the  TDP  slogan . TDP chief Chandrababu Chandrababu will soon announce

“BC’s are not weak…they are very strong” That is the  TDP  slogan . TDP chief Chandrababu Chandrababu will soon announce a special manifesto for BC’s ‘Jayaho BC’ Program for 2 months from 4th January.

TDP National General Secretary Nara Lokesh

       (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                      National News
Amaravati December 29(Bharat News) AP
BCs are not weak.. Telugudesam slogan is strong.  Since the birth of the party, it is the Telugu country that has provided a proper place for the BCs.  We have already prioritised the mini manifesto in the name of the Protection Act for BCs.  Once TDP comes to power, BCs will be given permanent caste rights.  We will set up a special fund for the BC sub-castes and spend it on them,” Lokesh assured.

TDP National General Secretary Nara Lokesh has revealed that the ‘Jayaho BC’ program will be undertaken from January 4 to create awareness among BCs.

He said that this program will continue for 2 months. In the first phase, TDP leaders will visit Parliament, Assembly constituencies and mandals.  He said that the difficulties of BCs will be known only during the field trip.  Later, it was explained that TDP chief Chandrababu will organize a huge public meeting at the state level and release a special manifesto for BCs.

When the Vaikapa government came to power, it troubled the BC brothers.  10 percent reservation has been reduced in local body elections.  16,000 BC people have been deprived of opportunities.  8 thousand acres of assigned BC lands were also taken back.  Adharana scheme has been cancelled.  I was told in my padayatra that the tools were not received through the adharana scheme.  It is said that 56 corporations have been established.. Funds.. No duties.  GO  brought 217 and broke the backbone of the fishermen.  This government is not in a position to give at least subsidies to silk farmers.

TDP fighting on behalf of BC brothers filed a case against BC leaders and harassed them.  Illegal cases were filed against Yanamala Ramakrishna, Ayyanna Patradu, Kollu Ravindra and Achchenaidu.  Nara Lokesh, said that Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy is a traitor to the BCs and destroyed the shop if he spoke against the government.
                         Bharat News AP