Recruitment of 27 outsourced employees for maintenance of Tadipudi Lift Irrigation Scheme

Recruitment of 27 outsourced employees for maintenance of Tadipudi Lift Irrigation Scheme

  (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                National News

Amaravati December 29 (Bharat News) AP
The Water Resources Department on Friday issued orders appointing 27 persons on outsourcing basis through APCOS for the management of Tadipudi Lift Irrigation Scheme. According to the orders of the Water Resources Department, 27 skilled and unskilled workers have been appointed through GO No. 717.

While 27 people have been appointed in 5 departments, orders have been issued appointing 8 people as electricians, 8 others as mechanics, five as watchmen, five as helpers and one as a gardener.

State Home and Disaster Management Minister Taneti Vanitha congratulated the newly appointed employees of OPCAS for Tadipudi Upliftment Scheme.
Bharat News AP