Resisting any number of evil forcesChandrababu wanted Kanakadurgamma to serve the Telugu people and bring

Resisting any number of evil forces
Chandrababu wanted Kanakadurgamma to serve the Telugu people and bring glory to the state.

    (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                   National News

Amaravati December 2 (Bharat News) AP
Chandrababu came to see the Goddess on Indrakiladri. On this occasion, Vedic scholars welcomed Babu’s couple with melatalas at the front door of the temple.

Chandrababu spoke to the media after Durgamma’s darshan. He said that he begged Kanakadurgamma to serve the Telugu public and grant him the power to bring glory to the state. Ammavaru believes that Telugu people will be given the opportunity to serve them so that they can live happily with wealth.

He said that Kanakadurgamma is the embodiment of Shakti.. He prayed to the Goddess to protect the society and punish the wicked. He said that the divine help is very necessary for human will. He said that when he faced difficulties, he fought for justice and righteousness in the country and abroad. Chandrababu suggested that the authorities should do their duty.

Keshineni Nani, Jana Sena leader Potina Mahesh, Panchumurthy Anuradha, Ashok Babu, Devineni Uma, Kollu Ravindra, Yarlagadda Venkatarao, Bonda Uma, Maganti Babu, Buddha Venkanna and others welcomed Chandrababu who came to Durgamma temple.
Bharat News AP