mp raghurama’s letter to pm modi asking him to take appropriate steps to

MP Raghurama’s letter to PM Modi asking him to take appropriate steps to investigate the attack by PV Sunil Kumar and PSR Anjaneyu with CBI and NIA

      (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
Amaravati November 1 (Bharat News) AP
MP Raghuramakrishna Raju has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
He appealed to take action against the authorities who committed custodial violence against him. He explained that two of those who tortured him two IPS officers.

He said that PV Sunil Kumar and PSR Anjaneyu were tortured. In his letter to the Prime Minister, Raghurama said that an investigation should be done by CBI or NIA.

He appealed to the Prime Minister to take appropriate steps to investigate the attack on him . In the letter, MP Raghurama has asked for an inquiry into the attack on him by the parliamentary committee as well.

Earlier, AP CID had arrested Raghuram in Hyderabad for making hateful comments against the state government.

Recently, Raghurama wrote a letter to the Prime Minister asking him to take action against the two officials. Moreover, MP Raghurama has mentioned this issue on several occasions.  In this letter, Raghurama also mentioned his son’s petition in the Supreme Court. He added.
                         Bharat News