chandrababu’s heart Size Is Increased with

Another new problem related to Chandrababu’s heart size is increased brought to the court’s attention by the lawyers

      (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                   National News
Amaravati November 15(Bharat News) AP
Chandrababu took the new problem related to the heart to the attention of the court.  According to the information provided by the lawyers, Chandrababu is suffering from a heart problem, the size of the heart has increased.  Therefore, the lawyers told the court that doctors have suggested that Chandrababu needs adequate rest.

In the court hearing held today, the lawyers on behalf of Chandrababu submitted to the court the details of the recent medical treatment of Chandrababu’s right eye regarding some details related to his health.

It is known that Chandrababu was arrested in the skill scam case two months ago and was remanded and now he has been released on bail.  The courts have not announced any verdicts in this case till today.

Chandrababu fans who know this matter are upset and sad.  It remains to be seen what the High Court will respond to this.?
          Bharat News Andhra Pradesh