66% of krishna waters belong to andhra pradesh and 34% to Telangana.  We have not used even a single drop of water.

66% of Krishna waters belong to Andhra Pradesh and 34% to Telangana.  We have not used even a single drop of water.
Some media organizations are spreading false information .
AP Minster for Irrigation Ambati Rambabu

        (Raja Pentapati Beauro chief)
                       National News
Amaravati December 1(Bharat News)AP
66% of Krishna waters belong to Andhra Pradesh and 34% to Telangana.  We have not used even a single drop of water that does not belong to us   We have tried to open our canal in our own territory.  This water is rightfully ours.  I reiterate that, said Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Minister Ambati Rambabu.

We only took as much water as we were allotted!  Don’t forget that 66% of Krishna water belongs to AP Andhra Pradesh government is very vocal on Nagarjuna Sagar Dam issue

The YSRCP government has tried to use only the 66% share of water that we have the right to meet the needs of the farmers and people of our state, said the minister. does not belong to us   We have tried to open our canal in our own territory.  This water is rightfully ours.  I reiterate that, said Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Minister Ambati Rambabu. Today.

Ambati Rambabu: Some media organizations are spreading false information on the issue of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam.  We have not violated any contract.minister added.
                      Bharat News AP