A newborn Female baby was thrown from a height of twenty feet into the rocks…Babay was found by

A newborn Female baby was thrown from a height of twenty feet into the rocks…Babay was found by Locals and shifted to Hospital.

(Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
National News
Amaravati Apr 15 (Bharat News AP
Three girls were born in a row in a mason’s family from the Vemagiri area of ​​East Godavari district. Andhra Pradesh All three of them are currently going to school. But the mother continues to haunt the son. That’s why the pre-planned plan is that if a girl is born, we will throw her without anyone knowing

On Sunday she delivers a female baby. She has poured herself out. The intestine was cut with available cutlery. As soon as she noticed that the girl was born, according to the pre-planned plan, her Naiti wrapped the baby and threw it from a height of 20 feet into the ravine outside her living building.

But when the public passed on the way and heard crying from the rustlings, the people around went and looked and saw a new born female baby. the girl baby Everything is fine except for a small wound on the leg.

Meanwhile the husband came there along with everyone and found out. The child was taken to Kadiam Hospital. Later, he was taken to Rajamahendravaram Government Hospital for better treatment. The doctors said that the child is fine now.
AP-Bharat News