The people of the AP state are openly rejecting it , The Land Titling Act will come into force from today,,,

The people of the AP state are openly rejecting it , The Land Titling Act will come into force from today . Intellectuals are of the opinion that this act will become a boon for fraudsters.

         (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                      National news
Amaravati April 29 (Bharat News)AP
The Land Titling Act will come into force from Monday. For this pilot project the government has selected 16 sub registrar offices across the state.  Henceforth, if any property is purchased and registered within the jurisdiction of the  Sub-Registrar Office, only xerox documents will be issued to the respective purchasers. There will be no stamp papers like in the past.

New Methodology: Computer related
The form should be filled and sent for registration. The form is signed by the sellers, buyers and the sub-registrar, scanned and sent to the buyers via e-mail or WhatsApp. If you print the documents sent to e-mail, they will be the right documents related to the property. After 15 days this policy will be implemented across the state. It is noteworthy that no matter how many people objected that this policy would become a boon to fraudsters, the state government went ahead.
AP -Bharat news