The end of the Maha Chandi Yagum organized at the residence of TDP Chief Chandrababu for the prosperity of the state and the welfare of the people.

The end of the Maha Chandi Yagum organized at the residence of TDP Chief Chandrababu for the prosperity of the state and the welfare of the people.

   (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
               National News

Amaravati December 24 (Bharat News) AP
The three-day Shatachandi Parayana Ekottar Vriddhi Maha Chandi Yagam and Sudarshana Homala ritual at the residence of Telugu Desam President Chandrababu Undavalli ended on Sunday.

Chandrababu’s couple, TDP leaders and family members participated in Purnahuti. Under the guidance of Vedic scholars from Guntur, 40 Rutviks performed special pooja with Chandrababu and Bhuvaneshwari. He prayed that the state should be prosperous and good for the people.
Bharat News AP