Awareness program in the old age home to increase voter turnout in the upcoming general elections..Elderly

Awareness program in the old age home to increase voter turnout in the upcoming general elections..Elderly  above 85 years of age and disabled persons have the opportunity to vote at their place .

      (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                    National News
Amaravati March 20 (Bharat News) AP
Nodal officer SSA Subhashini said that  the right to vote was provided by the constitution and set an example for others.  Nodal Officer, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Additional Project Coordinator   Subhashini said.

District Tribal Welfare Officer KS Jyoti and Nodal Officer S  Subhashini organized an awareness program in the old age home to increase the voter turnout and distributed fruits to the old people.

She said that as part of the measures taken to increase the voting percentage in the upcoming general elections, meetings are being held with the elderly and disabled.  It has been clarified that there is a facility to transfer here through Form 8 even if there is no vote here. She added.
                     AP-Bharat News