Rashtriya Praja Congress Party (RPC) is on the way to victory in Rajahmundry as the verdict of this election


Rashtriya Praja Congress Party (RPC) is on the way to victory in Rajahmundry as the verdict of this election has shaken the main political parties.
Rajahmundry Dovelopment will grow unexpectedly by RPC
Meda Srinivas (RPC)

    (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                    National News

Amaravati January 1 (Bharat News) AP
Rashtriya Praja Congress Party (RPC) President Meda Srinivas expressed hope that the year 2024 will be a bright future for the people of Rajahmundry. On this day, the New Year celebrations were held in a grand manner in RPC office.

On this occasion, Srinivas said that Rashtriya Praja Congress Party has a good future in the year 2024, Meda Srinivas will unexpectedly win the Rajahmundry Assembly seat, and the verdict of this election will shake the main political parties. He said.

In honor of the New Year celebration, fans of Meda Srinivas, labor unions, party seculars, youth, ranks of various parties and students gathered together to express their affection and admiration for Meda.
Bharat News AP