there is a slight change in the Cm’s visit to vizianagaram as per the request

There is a slight change in the CM’s visit to Vizianagaram as per the request of the Railway Department. CM Directly visit the injured passengers who are being treated at the Hospital.

    (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)

Amaravati October 30 (Bharat News) AP
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy canceled the train accident scene inspection program on the request of railway officials and will directly visit the injured who are being treated at Vizianagaram Hospital.

As part of the war footing restoration of bogies and railway tracks in the train accident area. The railway officials appealed to the CM that there is a possibility that the track restoration works will be delayed if the CM comes to the scene. This is what the CM has changed in his program.
Bharat News Andhra Pradesh