Maharshi Adhyatma Viswavidyalay Pressnote!

Bharath News HYD.

Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay presents its research on healing effect of music in Bangkok

Indian music has an overall healing effect ! – Sean Clarke, MAV

'Mantras, chants and music, such as the Indian Classical Raags are potent forms of sound that infuse one’s aura with positivity and have an overall healing effect. I urge the medical community to explore the use of these ancient non-invasive techniques in their practice', stated Mr. Sean Clarke on behalf of Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay (MAV). He was speaking at the recently held 7th Global Public Health Conference (GLOBEHEAL 2024) at Bangkok, Thailand. He presented the paper 'Music therapy for health with a focus on Blood Pressure'.  Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale is the author of this paper and Mr. Sean Clarke is the co-author.

From October 2016 to February 2024, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay has presented research papers in 20 National and 93 International scientific conferences, a total of 113 conferences. Among these, in 14 International conferences it has received the 'Best presentation' award.

Mr. Clarke presented 4 pilot studies where subjects with high BP were exposed to various musical pieces known to produce a spiritually healing effect. Their auras were measured before and after with an aura scanner and their BP with a BP monitoring instrument. The participants were asked not to take their BP medication from 2 days prior and on the night of the experiment, and then all of them were measured again the next morning.

  In the 1st experiment, 5 subjects were asked to listen to a live performance of the Raag Gorakhakalyan. After the performance, their pulse rates reduced on average by 15%. The next morning, 4 out of 5 of them showed a reduction in their BP despite them not having medication for 72 hrs. The negativity in their auras reduced on average by 60% and the average increase  in their positivity was 155%. In the 2nd experiment, 2 subjects were asked to listen to the chant ‘Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya’. In the 3rd experiment, 3 subjects were asked to listen to the sound of Om, which is known as a Beej Mantra or seed mantra. The results were similar to those in the first experiment.

 In the 4th experiment, 2 subjects were asked to listen to the world's most relaxing music, Weightless by Marconi Union. The BP of both the subjects reduced after the experiment. However, the pulse in both subjects increased. The next day, the BP readings of both subjects were reduced even further. Spiritually, however, the negativity in their auras went up. In contrast, with the other 3 experiments, the aura readings became more negative and the positivity reduced. The reasons why ‘Weightless’ caused negativity in their aura is that electronic instruments, as were used in composing Weightless, generally produce negative vibrations. Also, the haphazard layering of notes and sounds could create negative vibrations.

Yours truly,
Mr. Ashish Sawant,