andhra pradesh Government will open an online registration for accredited journalists house sites from tomorrow.

Andhra Pradesh Government will open an online registration for accredited journalists house sites from tomorrow.
        Last date is January 6, 2024.

Commissioner Information Department     Tumma Vijayakumar Reddy

      (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                    National News
Amaravati November 22(Bharat News) AP
The Commissionar  Information department said that the state government  Accredited Journalists House sites scheme reflects the well-being of journalists who play a vital role in the society.  Commissioner  Vijayakumar Reddy said.  In this regard, the online registration website for Journalist House sites will be opened from tommorow (23. ) And G.O Ms.  No. 535, Revenue (Lands. 1) Department, dated: 11.11.2023 issued to this effect, he stated.

The scheme provides affordable housing at 3 cents to each qualified accredited journalist across the state with 60% government contribution,  and 40% cost-sharing ratio by journalists. he said.

Journalists seeking home sites must submit their online application, he added.  with relevant details within 45 days from the date of opening of I&PR website for registration.  Last date for receipt of applications is 6th January, 2024.

Those who are eligible, their applications will be sent to their districts, the committees will confirm the eligibility of the journalists as per the rules and also identify suitable land for allotment of house plots in the district, he said.

A letter has been written to the district collectors.  A district level committee should be constituted within a week so that identification of lands can be started.  Vijaykumar Reddy appealed to the government to make proper use of the initiative in recognizing the outstanding services rendered to the society.
           Bharat News Andhra Pradesh