due to the diwali festival.. south central railway key advice to Train passengers

Due to the Diwali festival.. South Central Railway key advice to Train passengers They should not carry any inflammable material/explosives/ which may cause damage to railway property and  security.  Systems.
South Central Railway.

          (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
Amaravati November 7(Bharat News)AP
On the occasion of Diwali festival, South Central Railway has given important advice to the train passengers.  In view of the Diwali festival season, South Central Railway is taking special control measures to prevent carrying of tapas / inflammable items in trains and on railway premises.  Carrying such materials in trains and railway stations is not only a serious threat to safety but also potentially life-threatening to the surrounding commuters.

Train passengers should not carry any inflammable material/explosives/tapas which may cause damage to railway property or security.  According to Section 164 and 165 of the Railways Act, 1989, carrying dangerous goods or prohibited goods is punishable with a fine of up to Rs.1000 or imprisonment for 3 years or both, officials said.

For the safety of the public, if any passenger notices such dangerous items in trains or stations, they should immediately inform the authorities.  Or Security Helpline no.  South Central Railway said to call 139 and provide information.  Railways has set up special teams of security personnel / Quick Reaction Teams at all major stations to control the carrying of such dangerous goods in trains.  These teams are in plain clothes and with the help of sniffer dogs keep a special vigil on the passengers carrying prohibited goods.

Besides, CCTVs will also be installed for personal surveillance.  Thus 24 hour trained / skilled personnel monitor these CCTV cameras.  Passengers are safe in South Central Railway trains.  Officials also request passengers to co operate to get a trouble-free train journey.
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