Thousands of farmers who had given their lands have fallen on the road due to destructive decisions taken by YSRCP Chief Jagan

Thousands of farmers who had given their lands have fallen on the road due to destructive decisions taken by YSRCP Chief Jagan.  Full justice will be done to you when TDP Comes Power.
           TDP chief Chandrababu

          (Raja Pentapati Beauro Chief)
                          National News
Amaravati: December 17(Bharat News)
Telugu Desam leader Chandrababu said that CM Jagan has turned Andhra Pradesh into a capital-less state for four years.  He said that the self economic development project Amaravati has been crippled for 4 years.

He expressed his grief that thousands of farmers who had given land were left on the road due to the destructive decisions taken by Jagan out of greed and jealousy.  He promised to correct all the mistakes made by Jagan in 3 months when Telugu Desam came to power.  On this occasion, Chandrababu assured that the sacrifice of farmers will not go in vain.
                      Bharat News AP