threatening or beating working Journalists will be Punishable With 5 years Rigorous Imprisonment .

Threatening or Beating Working Journalists Will be Punishable With 5 years Rigorous Imprisonment .
Sensational verdict of the Supreme Court..

     (Raja Pentapati Beauro chief)
                    National News

Amaravati November 24(Bharat News) AP
5 years rigorous imprisonment or a fine of Rs.50,000/- for offenders who insult, threaten or beat journalists

The “Supreme Court of India has given a Sensational Verdict” that cursing, threatening or beating working journalists will be punishable with 5 years rigorous imprisonment or a fine of Rs 50,000/-. To this extent, the Supreme Court made it clear today i.e. on 23rd November 2023 during the hearing of a case.

With this judgment, journalists will have the opportunity to provide real information to the public without fear of any kind of professional fear.

They are expressing satisfaction that due to this there will be some protection from the political leaders.
Bharat News AP