The Press Council of India (PCI) has appealed to the Center to bring a law for the safety and protection of journalists in the country based on a report prepared by members of the Press Council, Gurbirsingh.
(By Raja Pentapati AP Bureau Chief)
National News
Amaravati October 28 (Bharat News) AP
The Press Council of India (PCI) has asked the Center to bring a law to protect the safety of journalists in the country.
PCI accepted the report prepared by Press Council members Gurbirsingh on arrests, false detentions and threats of media personnel in the country.
However, it is noteworthy that the Chairperson of the Council, former Supreme Court Judge Ranjan Prakash Desai supported the report despite the dissenting opinion expressed.
The report made three main recommendations to the Centre. The first of which is to promulgate a national law for the protection and safety of journalists in the country. Also, Gurbir Singh drafted the Press Council of India Act to give more powers, to educate the police on how to deal with the media, known as the Fourth Estate, and to codify the code of conduct for law enforcement agencies, the report said.
Bharat News Andhra Pradesh